Bob Dylan - new album just out on Tidal - Rough and Rowdy Ways

Just a heads up. Bob’s new album is out on Tidal today. Just finished my first listen - I am a big fan of Bob Dylan - I consider him the Poet of my generation - at 79 his lyrics tell beautiful stories - IMO. Enjoy the music.

Happy Listening!

There may already be a few out there in the world, and may have been, but language barrier becomes a real barrier.

Oh, there are, such as an album I have by John Trudell - Johnny Damas And Me

It’s interesting, and I used to listen to it a lot when I was younger. Tried to again not so long ago, but just lost interest. It wasn’t his message, but rather his method to the musical part of it, or a lack thereof.

Cohen is ‘the granddaddy’ of this style, and he still interests me as he does it so well. Same to a degree with Tom Waits. Or, later, Laurie Anderson who I have a lot of work of, but she never really touted herself as a musician or singer either. Simply a performance artist and composer. She may of rubbed off on Lou, or Lou her.

I doubt Dylan ever ‘wanted to play in a rock band’.

Then why has he been doing it ever since he joined up with The Hawks?
Gee, noone’s ever accused him of that before. 🙄
Yeah, but there comes a time when you have to say, enough! it's time to quit, Bob.  You're embarrassing yourself. That time is different for everyone, but he’s reached it for me.

"I doubt Dylan ever ‘wanted to play in a rock band’."

He probably did, unless Little Richard had a chamber orchestra, You could say that “To join Little Richard” meant "to play in a rock band’."

(There are pictures of that yearbook on the Internet.)
Actually, Robert Zimmerman WAS a member of a Rock ’n’ Roll band, while a high school student in Hibbing, Minnesota. I forget their name, but can you imagine having been in that band with him? Who knew?!