Doe you enjoy your listening to music and your system more with others or alone?

It’s no doubt that us as Audiophiles spend a lot of time listening to music by ourselves. It’s just the way
it’s, a hobby most others don’t understand. So do we prefer to listen by ourselves or is it more enjoyable 
with others? For myself, I generally enjoy listening by myself. Usually when another Audiophile friend is over listening it becomes more about the sound ( system ) than the music. Also, they only want to hear
music that brings out the best in the system and for myself let’s just listen to what’s playing. 
Non-Audiophiles tend to get bored easily if they don’t like the music, and can be even more picky about
what music you play for them. Non-Audiophiles put no value in the sound. They only want to hear their favorite music and that can be even more frustrating. At least acknowledge it ( sound ) even if you can’t hear the difference.
For myself it’s more enjoyable alone, but that doesn’t mean all the time, or does it?

I enjoy sharing with others, especially with young people that have never heard a good system.  Alas, most adults get bored pretty quickly except my wife who will request another selection.  I usually listen by myself a couple of hours in the evening.
My guests are not so much impressed by the sound, even if it is good, but way much by all the tweaks and methods used, like in a mad scientist lair.... Their incredulous smile makes my day.... 
IMO it’s best(more fun) to experience listening with a few friends or relatives around. My best advice is let them listen to the music of there choice and they will do less talking.
It wasn’t really that long ago I required all (rpt all) visitors to wear blind folds upon entering the house. Too many snoopy eyeballs. 👀 Loose lips 👄 sink ships 🚢 Can that be considered a form of controlled blind testing?