I do not have a comment on the Shure other than it was never one of my favorite carts in any of it's iterations, my favorites from that era were the Grace F9 and the ADC XLMs, with that said, I abandoned MM carts when I installed my first MC, the GAS Sleeping Beauty back in the later 70s. After all that time, I ran across a Grace F9 motor, no stylus, in my audio drawer and purchased a Soundsmith OCL stylus assembly from SS and am now wondering why I abandoned the MMs for the MCs. I have in rotation some very good MCs including a DRTxv1s, ZYX Universe, Miyabi Standard and a AT ART9 which this Grace certainly doesn't give up much if any to any of them. I am getting ready to order another stylus assembly from Soundsmith so I can keep this goodness alive for the foreseen future. Enjoy the music