Experience with Inakustik 3500P Power Conditioner??

I'm looking at obtaining a power conditioner and had my sights set on an Akiko Corelli when an Inakustik 3500P got my attention.  I have found only one reference to the 3500P on Agon while there is some notable props on the Corelli here.  

Thanks for any experience you might be willing to share.
@mike_ostradick @milpai Well I found the issue after opening up the unit. The AC IEC Inlet was reversed. Simple switch of the hot/neutral wire and now it tested correctly. I do have to let you guys know that Bob was not supportive at all during my communication. Most of the response back was how great of a company Inakustik is and that he disagreed with my assessment that reverse polarity can be a shock hazard. The conditioner is a great product but this will probably be my last purchase with @worldwidewholesales 
I believe Alex and I have sorted it out but I do not like anyone that is not a certified tech opening up any product that we represent. Unfortunately I can still not verify any of Alex's findings as I did not receive the unit back to have it looked over by our certified tech.
I believe our communication was super fast and very supportive. I don't think it gets much better than offering to replace the unit or to have the unit looked at by a certified tech and free shipping both directions.
@rareace,I am wondering - why would you open such an expensive unit (at least for my pay grade) when Bob offered to have the unit checked and pay shipping both ways? I would NEVER do that - especially when you had it for just a month. Hope you both have sorted it out.

@milpai I would have loved it if Bob offered that but unfortunately was not the case. The response from him 2 weeks ago was that he has sold over 200 conditioners with zero issues and I shouldn't have to worry about polarity. Then he said he disagreed with me that reverse polarity is a shock hazard. Basically I lost faith anything was going to be resolved so I had a friend who is an electrician help me take a look at the unit which turned out to be an easy fix. It wasn't until today that I mentioned my dissatisfaction with his lack of support that he offered me a replacement.
I want to be 100% straight forward. Alex said he thought the polarity was wrong. I suggested we talk to the designer at Inakustik before we jump the gun but unfortunately the designer was on vacation this week. At that point Alex told me not a problem and I said I would update him as soon as I heard back from the designer at Inakustik.

At no point did we authorize Alex to purchase a multimeter and open the unit up. Once he mentioned he was in the process of doing this we told him we would pick up the unit at our cost and check it over and possibly replace the unit if it had a problem. Also return the unit free of charge.

We have a certified technician that we work with and this person wears an anti static outfit. A hypothetical electrician and an end user opening up the unit, is completely against our company policy.
