Are these fake?

Seller is in China, looks fake due the price of course... but I know sometimes they can be "fell off the truck" situations. Insight anyone?
Look just like the Furutech GTX outlets I installed. But save your pennies for the authorized product. I buy from VHAudio. It will arrive much sooner too.
FURUTECH flags them as cheap POS fakes

“ .... Caution* eBay, Amazon and Rakuten resellers in Japan are not authorized Furutech dealers.

Caution* There have been confirmed cases of counterfeit products (Furutech replicas) being sold out of China and Hong Kong on eBay and Furutech advises against purchasing from either site any “Furutech” labeled product that ships from China or Hong Kong....”

Looks like Millercarbon called it for what it is.... full-stop.
At that price, here's hoping someone takes the bait so we can find out the sources of these fakes. They might be really good units but some seller decided to slap the Furutech moniker on them--that's the crime.
I recently bought a desk lamp from Amazon, but it wasn't Amazon--it was someone in China. If I want to return it, it appears that I have to go through some rigmarole or other to get a refund.
I have been in the audio industry more than 35 yrs. First my opinion is that they are fake. Second concerning anything to due with AC power is," UL rated and tested". If the product is fake and your home burns down, I hope the insurance investigator does not find it. But all thats important is did you purchase the real thing , and as others have mentioned what comes out of China is not always what it appears.
Has anyone’s home ever burned down because their power cords weren’t UL rated? Really? Are you hot dogging me? 🌭