New Aragon 8008 or Pass Labs XA25 ??

I have noted that the Aragon 8008 and Pass Labs XA25 amps retail for about the same amount new.   Different amps with, I'm sure, different characteristics.   I'd be interested in thoughts regarding either (academically or actual experience)  paired with Tekton Lore speakers.  

The XA25 is one of the best amps Pass has ever made, which says a lot...

The Aragon 8008 isn’t bad, just nowhere near the quality of the Pass.
You'll lose your *ss if you ever try to sell a boutique brand like Aragon that nobody has ever heard of. Pass will always be desirable and easy to ditch.
As I understand it your Tekton speakers are relatively easy to drive. 

Not to short the Aragon 8008, however the Pass will provide higher quality watts, however fewer of them. Do you really need a 200wpc amplifier?

I am very much interested in the XA25 myself.

You are right, but same goes for PASS as class D has shaken off its early shortcomings, AND, with relatively inexpensive GaN amps right around the corner
