Which one is the best INTEGRATED!!

My system 
Focal speaker
Esoteric source

I am going to buy a new one but I am not sure about them all which one I should buy.

Here is my integrated list
Karan KA I180 MK2
Accuphase E650, 600
Jeff Rowland Con S2
Burmester 082
Pass labs INT250
Audio Research VSi75
Gryphon Diablo300



To date the Absolare mono-amplifiers and Gryphons are the best amplifiers I’ve ever listened to.

Just to add my input on this one.
Running Sopra 2 with PassLab INT-250.
Interconnects and speaker cables Cerious Matrix.

Fantastic sound! The ”best for my ears”.

Exactly the sound / musicality I was looking for. Perfect combination for me.

I did try the Diablo before settling on Pass lab.

I actually found the Diablo almost "too neutral / too transparent".
Superb sound. Don't get me wrong. But for me it lacked a bit of presence or stage.
I have the feeling of listening at a good recording. Not a good performance.
Good tracks sound good. Bad tracks sound bad. Very clinical.
Not the way I like to listen to music. I need the feel. Not only the cleanliness.
Probably link to the speakers (Focal) that are enhancing the above.

But all this is only true .. for me..

Hope you find YOUR best.

He gave like 8 options and with all suggestions its at 25 options. Ask again in 3 months back up to 35 options 
I have heard that ASR Audio is as good as it gets, though I have not heard it. 

Of the ones I have heard, the Ensemble Fuoco takes the cake. 
Audition the Vitus SIA 030 before you make a final decision....fantastic amp,