Oh yeah, as a starving college student in the 60’s, and a long time afterward, I remember watching the B&O TT (any B&O product), wondering if I would ever be able to afford such a marvelous thing.
I am so lucky to have just successfully restored a Mitsubishi Vertical Linear Tracking TT, LT-V5, for use on top of a 12" deep bookcase where a horizontal TT will not fit. I am using my Reel to Reel player vertically now, they look awesome side by side.
DIATONE version is Japan Only, USA model is Mitsubishi LT-5V , see the very cool see-thru photo here along with the Japanese Diatone version’s specs:
https://audio-heritage.jp/DIATONE/player/lt-5v.html 3 belt kit readily available, $16.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/New-3-BELT-SET-for-MITSUBISHI-TURNTABLE-LT-5-LT-5V-LT-640-X-10-X-12/152375190799?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 It plays with zero tracking error, and sounds excellent. Any 1/2" cartridge that does not exceed maximum height to stylus tip of 18mm, Provided shims, or your shims are used to properly position smaller height cartridges. I’ve got an AT440ml on, the perfect height it turned out.
Belt drive. Just like my Thorens TD124, after letting it’s motor warm up a minute, speed is very steady, not needing re-adjustment, just a minute wait.
Researching while overhauling, I found it is a serious TT, much unique engineering, including the surprising fact that the platter is very slightly concave, I guess down about 1mm at the end of playing grooves, the headshell correspondingly and minutely angled for correct azimuth. I read an article mentioning 3mm edge to spindle, I find much less than that, I would have never realized the concave platter unless reading these
A spring loaded record clamp holds the LP against that very slightly concave platter. The clamp is pre-positioned by it’s horizontal arm, however the clamp is completely free of the arm when pressed/locked onto the spindle. Very clever.
This long video was invaluable in preparing for my attempt
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5XO51leGzU Some members know I had been chasing a Technics Vertical Linear Tracking TT, SL-V5.
https://www.vinylengine.com/library/technics/sl-v5.shtml Disappointed as I was, I got lucky not getting the Technics, and Bill (a member here) having a pair of LT-5V’s project. He lives only 1 hr 20 minutes away, and his willingness to swap with me.