Duelund CAST-PIO-Ag

OK you cap bypass freaks, and you know who you are, Parts ConneXion has the very top of the line Duelund pure silver in oil CAST caps.... starting at a mere $399 for 0.1uF. About $4,000 / uF:


I have no idea about the sound quality, but I can say, these have to be among the most expensive caps ever made.


A few years back, I built a passive Duelund speaker XO for my Magnepan 3.6 tweeter/midrange (see system).  I later tried the ,01uF 630V Ag Duelund bypass caps. At the time, I couldn't really hear the difference.

A few years later, I decided to disconnect the bypasses and noticed a slight lack of air and loss of high frequency extension. Back in they went.

I'm not a big fan of silver parts generally, but this convinced me to be more open-minded.

I ended up trying a pair of them in a speaker crossover, and they were not worth it.

The 0.1 Audyn TC however were really great. $20 each.
I have .01s bypassing ClarityCap CMR in series and shunt positions in a second order crossover. They add a bit of richness and air in a satisfying way. Not obscenely expensive in very small values and probably worth trying.