Focals can certainly be bright if poorly paired I ran a pair of original Micro-Utopia's for years paired with a PP tube amp and never found them bright. I've only heard Gryphon in a show setting with their own speakers the sound was neutral but I can't even remember what model amp they were using.
Your cabling looks good too I have a Jorma digital cable and find it to be fantastic if I could afford their speaker cables I would have them. The sound is on the warm side of neutral.
I would say as others have suggested maybe mess around with speaker positioning also if the gear is new let it break in. But I'll also say don't kill yourself getting bright sounding speakers to sound not bright. Cut bait and move and certainly don't throw good money after bad.
Your cabling looks good too I have a Jorma digital cable and find it to be fantastic if I could afford their speaker cables I would have them. The sound is on the warm side of neutral.
I would say as others have suggested maybe mess around with speaker positioning also if the gear is new let it break in. But I'll also say don't kill yourself getting bright sounding speakers to sound not bright. Cut bait and move and certainly don't throw good money after bad.