Legacy‘s are large cabinet big multi-driver speakers that demand a lot of current..despite what their persuasive specs regarding sensitivity may imply. if you were to do a generalized perusal online of Legacy speaker systems I would bet that > 50% of the guys are using high current muscle amps to run them.
Fact check for the other 50%, various tube amps used successfully with Legacy speakers. It doesn't take an overpriced Coda to run them. Not all tube amps are created equal, it all starts with the transformers. As suggested, a quick five second search:
- 45 watt single ended Wavebourn 71 Triode amp here running the larger Legacy SE with ease. https://youtu.be/skCCd4O-fVQ
- 85 watt VAC 160 tube integrated running Legacy Focus SE https://youtu.be/s3TXGTovDI4
- Bill and Bryce from the Legacy factory at AXPONA running various Raven TUBE amps on HUGE legacy speakers: https://youtu.be/3sPwffYWm5E