Why Does My Nottingham Motor Seem To Run Fast?

I just checked the speed of my Nottingham Spacedeck and at 33 1/3 rpm. the platter seems to move slightly too fast, that is, the hash marks on my gauge move very slowly in a clockwise direction. Should they not remain constant in place?
Yes, they should be stationary. Don't get too wound up about it though. If its close and consistant, its fine.
Igniting an old thread. My spacedeck plays fast. Just inherited it from a family member. Cleaned it up and set it away. It plays 33.3 at 36 precisely. I have no 45s to try the 45 setting.
Not impressed with the motor either, unless I spin it really fast it never gets up to full speed. 
Any ideas anyone what might be wrong?
Also not impressed with the unipivot, is it supposed to wobble about all over. My gimbal ones are rock solid. 

Former Spacedeck owner here. Motor and arm are fine. The motor is a low torque design hence why you have to give it a shove. Supposedly it transmits less vibrations to the platter. The unipivot arm is normal, all unipivots do that.

Thanks Oz.
I am at a loss to understand why it plays fast though. It sounds great other than that. It will be due a bearing oil change but would think old oil would make it slow.... Unless it has been home fixed with the wrong oil. What a mystery. 
Previous Spacedeck owner here.
Never heard of one running that fast.
Sure it has the correct pulley on the motor?
Very odd as mine was maybe 33.4.
I then added a Walker speed controller which is very popular mod in Notts decks and was able to tweak it to exact 33.33/4.
To be running at 36 something has to be seriously out of whack.