Why Does My Nottingham Motor Seem To Run Fast?

I just checked the speed of my Nottingham Spacedeck and at 33 1/3 rpm. the platter seems to move slightly too fast, that is, the hash marks on my gauge move very slowly in a clockwise direction. Should they not remain constant in place?
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Thanks for your questions/observations, Jea48!

I have been playing with this table all day and trying to figure out just what might have been causing this as the tolerances from NAS are consistently reported as superb. As I have mentioned, this deck was purchased second-hand and I have been going through, cleaning, setting up (as much as I can given there are really not a lot of good instructions out there)and noticed that the motor pulley groove for 33 1/3 had some gunk build-up in it. After cleaning it out, I observe the speed to be very spot-on. My guess from this maneuver is that the build-up was just enough to increase the diameter of the pulley slightly, causing it to turn the platter just a bit too fast. So, if that ever occurs in others' experience, I would sure have a look at that pulley.

Thanks again. Still no answer to the bearing oil question, though. Would really like to clean out and renew the old oil, which I have a feeling has been in there from day uno!!
Yes, they should be stationary. Don't get too wound up about it though. If its close and consistant, its fine.
Igniting an old thread. My spacedeck plays fast. Just inherited it from a family member. Cleaned it up and set it away. It plays 33.3 at 36 precisely. I have no 45s to try the 45 setting.
Not impressed with the motor either, unless I spin it really fast it never gets up to full speed. 
Any ideas anyone what might be wrong?
Also not impressed with the unipivot, is it supposed to wobble about all over. My gimbal ones are rock solid. 

Former Spacedeck owner here. Motor and arm are fine. The motor is a low torque design hence why you have to give it a shove. Supposedly it transmits less vibrations to the platter. The unipivot arm is normal, all unipivots do that.
