Cat-proofing your speakers...

Looking for ideas for large floor-standing boxes. Must completely protect front drivers and all exposed sides from sharp claws, but not veil the sound. Good WAF a plus!
Cats like to mark there territory.....
With Orange Citrus spray Cats think another more Alpha cat must of marked their turf and stay away.

Cheers Johnnyr
#1 reason I have to replace passives on speakers I buy for repair. I have a scratching post which the cat seems to prefer over everything else and never have a cat without one. A removable grille held on with velcro or magnets would allow you to listen in the house when you cant sit in front of them and guard them and for critical listening could be removed while you are sitting there. Personally I enjoy my cats enough that the minor degradation in sound quality a grille brings is no issue.
I have a cat, boxer, 2 year old grandson (that is into everything) and an 8 year old grandson that lives with us since he was 2, with that said I had a company named DIGITALDECKCOVERS make me some quilted speaker covers for my Wilson Sophias when I bought them 8 years ago and I only uncover them when I listen to them, they are in our family room, so are always subject to the before mentioned destroyers and have to say that if I were to sell my speakers I would rate them an 8, only due to age. Hope this help. Enjoy the music
The only solution I've found is to have a door on my dedicated audio room... I only bring in the cats I trust (and no more than 2 at a time...).

Too much sensitive electronics for me to worry about. The cats does have full roam in the rest of the house so no harm to them (they're indoors only and most are special needs...)
Well here you go.... get a cheap dog fence that goes in the collar and shocks the crap out of your cat when they come near..... Its a pain,  but after a month or so,  they'll never come near your speakers and you can remove the device.