Not sure why he insists that gravity is the warping of space is anything but a theory
If you're not sure you must not be a very good reader because he already said why. When a guy with 23k irrelevant posts bothers to actually answer straight up you should give credit where credits due.
This "anything but a theory" actually solved a problem in astronomy, where the orbit of Mercury was known to be off by some infinitesimally tiny amount. This "anything but a theory" came along and showed that Mercury was close enough to the Sun for its gravitational effect on space and time to perfectly account for the discrepancy in the orbit of the planet. I was going to insert a link here but its way past time you started doing your own work and not just scamming off of those who actually know stuff. (Was thinking of another word but stuff is more your reading level.)
Gravitational lenses offer another demonstration of this "anything but a theory". Galaxies are very massive, and so this "anything but a theory" predicts they curve space and time around them. If this really is the case then the light from other much more distant galaxies will be bent around them. Sure enough, there are many such examples of distant galaxies that appear in the wrong location, or sometimes even appear as double images, because of the way the light from them is bent as it travels near the galaxy in between.
This one I will provide a link, since its a funny smiley face, much like the one on my face right now, as I contemplate just how utterly, thoroughly outclassed you are here. And always. And not just by me.
Move along. Please.