age 13 and i had a mono Philips record changer with ceramic cartridge and a full range speaker having the magnet infront. I did not even know what stereo was so i thought just adding a speaker would upgrade it to stereo. NO, but i clearly understood that the new speaker was no match compared to system's original. A year later i heard my first stereo system playing Child in time from Deep Purple, that was it, but it took me 1 more year to buy my first real stero (at the store i listened only to the speakers with the amp), Wharfedale Lintons, Kenwood amp, Lenco tt. So i could hear speaker differences, cartridge differences (i changed 3 on that Lenco) and if an amp had good drive or not. The biggest step though happened, back in the 80's, and with no return, when i bought secondhand a Mission 775SM with 774 tone arm, a new then Cyrus 2/PSX (plastic cover) driving a new TDL Studio 2 speaker. A Pink Triangle with Alphason HR100S and ARC SP-9MKII in the early 90's sealed it.