100W, 200W, or 300W?

I'm pretty new to this and could use some help. Working down my list of upgrades: did speakers, room treatment on order... I think next up is to replace my amp.

I'm currently using a Harman Kardon PA2000 stereo amp that I had sitting in storage. 100 WPC @ 8 Ohm. It's "OK", but it probably the weak point in my system right now.

For speakers, I picked up B&W 805D3 tabletops with stands.

88 dbSPL sensitivity, 8 ohm. They recommend 50-120W @ Ohm for the amp power on their site.

I pulled up an amplifier calculator and plugged in some numbers:

88 sBSPL, 8 ft distance, 85 dB volume w 15 dB headroom and this came out to 3W RMS w 94W peak

I have my heart set on blue watt meters so I see the following options:

1) MA5300 @ 100 WPC, no autoformers, integrated
2) MA7200 @ 200 WPC, has autoformers, integrated
3) MC302 @ 300 WPC, has autorormers, seperates

For the MA5300, I'm concerned that there isn't enough headroom. If I even get close to the 94W peak, it means that I'm pushing the amp to the max, so I'd probably be operating in an area of reduced sonic performance since it's being stressed. Is this a correct assumption?

The MA7200 looks like it'll leave plenty of headroom and it also has (for better or worse) autoformers which seems to be what puts the "mac sound" in macs.

The MC302 is just sexy as heck... but is there any realistic gain with my current set up that I would get by buying one of these? Or is it so much overkill that I am just throwing money away at this point?
@verdantaudio Intersting! So it sounds like between those options that the MC302 would be way overkill and I should consider either the MA5300 or MA7200 with the deciding factor really being where I want to stand on the autoformer vs no autoformer debate?
I have a Mac MA6600 integrated which has the transformers and 200wpc. The sound is quite effortless and has that great Mac sound. I would not trade it for anything. I also own the MC302 300wpc amp in another system. Since the MC302 is a power amp only, what will you use as a preamp? I haven’t heard your B&W speakers but usually, the more power, the better sound to really make them open up.

If I did do the MC302 route, my initial path would be to have no pre-amp and just output from my single source (Sonos streamer) directly. My entire music collection is digital and stored on a NAS and available to Roon, Plex, and DLNA - I primarily use Roon.

The next upgrade would have to be a pre-amp to get a decent DAC, so I’d figure something like a D150/D1100 - although I like the idea of one of the newer designs, like the C49 which provides an upgrade path of DA1 to DA2.

Once a pre-amp is in place, the plan was to replace the Sonos with another streamer that will output straight to USB (like an UltraRendu or something similar).

The new integrated amps (MA5300/MA7200) do provide a really attractive option between they knock out the amp & pre-amp upgrades at the same time, get me a decent DAC, and provide an upgrade path with the DA2. 

Do you think it would be worth it for me to consider the MC302 over the integrated options considering the power requirements (or lack thereof) that seem needed to run my system?
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watching blue meters is a short lived thrill, then you will want to turn them off and 'see' the music not the meters. IOW, look around at other stuff now. btw, the meters show nothing, unless you change the setting to measure a low power range, because you rarely need much power, except when you do!

McIntosh SS will not sound, they will simply disappear, theoretically ideal, yet .... I sold mt MC2250, rated 250 wpc, actually tested accurate to 305 wpc at McIntosh Lab day at Harvey's NYC the day it was given to me.

Used for years, eh, sold, got McIntosh tube tuner/preamp, made in 1962, fantastic, into tube amp.

Yes you can change the speakers, sell them, then you will take a loss, BUT, you will need less power, use your existing amp until you pick a new LOWER power amp, i.e. LOWER cost (helps with the loss selling the speakers), AND, you will be set up to try tube amp now or in the future.