Why would I need Roon?

I have a Blue sound streamer with plenty of files at my fingertips, via a hard drive plugged in the back and multiple streaming services. Can someone help me understand what Roon would add to my set-up? Thanks. 
I enjoy roon.  The software needs a better search feature (like amazon.com or google) better android app functionality, but it interacts nicely with many receivers, roku devices, google products and my lumin streamer. Its convenient for streaming anywhere in the house and does a great job with tidal and my music collection. Its not  for everyone, but if you do the trial, you may find it enjoyable and may enjoy the additional features it offers over say just spotify or just tidal.
Just a note about tidal it will also continue to play similar music to the last played  list. So that’s not something to really consider unless roon is that much better. I tried it didn’t see the value for the cost but I also only stream and stoped using other digital formats years ago so that’s a consideration  I’ve got boxes of CD’s I’ve not played in over a decade. 
I trial'd Roon and Audirvana.  No doubt Roon has an awesome GUI and some good features.  However, I never liked the sound despite moving everything over to a Raspberry Pi and tweaking all of the settings.  Audirvana just sounds good, no tweaks necessary.  

Room is a luxury. No one "needs" luxeries Many desire them. If you're comfortable in a Civic there is no "need" to pay up.
I would not consider a Room subscription - I got lifetime, and I’m old;)
All the above regarding interface, radio and SQ is correct. UPnP stuff is awkward & ugly, I rarely played music when I depended on those. Also, the truly transcendent DACs from Ayre and DCS are Roon endpoints.