Why would I need Roon?

I have a Blue sound streamer with plenty of files at my fingertips, via a hard drive plugged in the back and multiple streaming services. Can someone help me understand what Roon would add to my set-up? Thanks. 
Just a note about tidal it will also continue to play similar music to the last played  list. So that’s not something to really consider unless roon is that much better. I tried it didn’t see the value for the cost but I also only stream and stoped using other digital formats years ago so that’s a consideration  I’ve got boxes of CD’s I’ve not played in over a decade. 
I trial'd Roon and Audirvana.  No doubt Roon has an awesome GUI and some good features.  However, I never liked the sound despite moving everything over to a Raspberry Pi and tweaking all of the settings.  Audirvana just sounds good, no tweaks necessary.  

Room is a luxury. No one "needs" luxeries Many desire them. If you're comfortable in a Civic there is no "need" to pay up.
I would not consider a Room subscription - I got lifetime, and I’m old;)
All the above regarding interface, radio and SQ is correct. UPnP stuff is awkward & ugly, I rarely played music when I depended on those. Also, the truly transcendent DACs from Ayre and DCS are Roon endpoints.