surg protection / high output amps

hello all ...
I have recently purchased a pair of McIntosh MC611 mono block amps ... each draws 6.6 amperes ... any recommendations on how to protect them from power spikes etc to absolutely assure their protection  ?
my thanks in advance
Ag insider logo xs@2xrandy4513
If you can’t go whole house, I second a Furman product... particularly in the Elite realm... they have many options.
I just bought this old old Power conditioner,

a desirable feature, besides protection, is the sequenced time delay, turns accessories on first, then 10 secs later powers the amp(s). Turns off amp first, delays 30 secs then turns off accessories.

probably too small for you, just thought I would mention that feature.

A friend has this currently available one, big enough?

I like the whole house idea too, 

after I bought mine, I read that IF they have dealt with spikes, repeatedly, there may be damage ... to parts within, never occurred to me, just passing what i read along ..
For maximum equipment protection, consider surge suppressors that use series-mode devices. Far better than those using "sacrificial" MOVs that degrade over time. Good examples are Zero Surge, Brickwall and SurgeX. The Torus/Bryston units are much more expensive. 
I agree with the whole house protection...after a zap took out a Vandersteen amp.