surg protection / high output amps

hello all ...
I have recently purchased a pair of McIntosh MC611 mono block amps ... each draws 6.6 amperes ... any recommendations on how to protect them from power spikes etc to absolutely assure their protection  ?
my thanks in advance
Ag insider logo xs@2xrandy4513

after I bought mine, I read that IF they have dealt with spikes, repeatedly, there may be damage ... to parts within, never occurred to me, just passing what i read along ..
For maximum equipment protection, consider surge suppressors that use series-mode devices. Far better than those using "sacrificial" MOVs that degrade over time. Good examples are Zero Surge, Brickwall and SurgeX. The Torus/Bryston units are much more expensive. 
I agree with the whole house protection...after a zap took out a Vandersteen amp.
the adcom ace-515 is an AC Enhancer.

I took the cover off, all look like factory new (no mice ate these wires), nothing burnt from prior lightning strikes, ....

One switch for entire system is handy. It filters/enhances/prevents hash from it's power input, and 7 outputs.

What it does, and does well, is separate 2 switched amp outlets from 4 switched devices, and has 1 unswitched pass thru outlet.

It has an automatic turn on time delay of 10 secs for the 2 amp outlets to come on after the devices , and a 30 second time delay for the amps to turn off first, 30 secs for them to discharge, then turns off devices with no thump.

Vintage, got lucky again.