Wilson Alexia 2

Any suggestions for electronics for these speakers. Something that would do them justice but moderately priced.  Is McIntosh a good match or is there something better in that price range?  Ie: Spectral, ARC, Krell.  Looking for bang for the buck but not cheat the speaker either. 
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Boulder, D’Agostino and AR are all good with Alexia's and Wilson speakers in general.  
Krell is fine as well with Wilson’s. Buddy has these speakers with high powered krell amp. Sounds wonderful. 
Wilson is to “ cool”: flat. (Macintosh to) For more harmony, use an European or Japanese amplifier: Ear, Hegel, Air Tight, Wavac , Jadis, Spec, Leben...sound will be more holographic an open. (It’s mine opinion)
I use a Parasound JC5 for my Alexia 1’s. Space realities don’t allow for mono’s. The rest of my system is Audio Research and SME. The JC5 is essentially the JC1’s distilled down to one unit. Sounds great. Excellent bang for the buck!