DACs to look at?

I have been thinking of adding an Anthem STR or McIntosh 2600 to my system....but music is always going to be third on my list: movies and gaming will always be first. I realized that's a lot of money to spend. I currently use a BS Node 2i, running RCA to a Marantz 8805, which is connected to a Krell amp. In the next month, I'll be switching to an ATI 7 channel, and might eventually go to Anthem for processing. But, I'm looking to make my 2 channel just sound "better." I like the BS, but I'm never wowed w/ the sound from music. It sounds really good, but I've heard friends w/ my same speakers (JTR 212RT) say music is jaw dropping for them. I'm just curious if there's some DACs I should look at? Ive been reading about Schitt, they seem to make some good stuff. Ideally, I'll connect the DAC to the BS and use the Node for its OS and streaming....and I'm assuming an upgraded/better DAC will make everything sound louder/cleaner/etc.

Please let me know your suggestions - and if I"m way off base!
I hope to try a Topping D90 soon seeing it uses the latest AKM chip against my Marantz 8805 and Oppo203 (transport) which I use for 2/ch daily (cd,dsd,hi/rez files, heos stream Amazon HD) with an Halo A21. I find it very satisfying and couldn't be happier  but I do wonder about the next level. I demoed a few cables and out found the DH Labs sonic silver hdmi to work extremely well with the 8805 over three others . The 8805 does indeed responds well to the right cabling etc.. and will reward . Oh and a JC5 may be on the way as well.

When I first bought bought Bluesound I wanted the whole house concept so I had a Vault2 in the main system and a Node2 in the basement system.  The latter system featured a Pioneer AVR from the early 2000.  I have a PS Audio Digital Link III  DAC which was being otherwise employed and the improvement when added to the Node2 was not subtle.  Last year I upgraded the AVR to an Anthem 520 and since the newer AVR has a much better DAC than the former AVR that’s the current setup down there.
  The point is that you can probably pick up a used inexpensive DAC that will be a major improvement over the Node2.  Perhaps go that route and then if you feel the need to upgrade in the future and know your budget you can make a decent choice
@mahler123 thanks for the input. was speaking to a hi-fi shop owner out here and he was explaining why some streamers/dacs sound so much better. its not necessarily the dac itself - many use the same ones. its the other parts - circuitry, SNR, clocks (?), etc....I hadn't really thought of that, as I'm new to improving my 2 channel.
I'm getting excellent results with my Vault 2i and the RME.  I bought mine from a local pro sound dealer.  Parsons Audio in Wellesley MA.  Great guys to deal with.