Is there a magic formula for spending on components in a system

Hello to all...

I'm looking for opinions on the magic formula for purchasing components base on catergories:

Source or sources



Sound Transmission

Interconnection and Cabling

Setup and storage

Thoughts? Opinions? Your system "equation" ?

PS: which of the above is the most important block in the wall? 
If money not an object, I'd spend an equal amount on each component. Each speaker is considered a discreet component. And wire, as a group, is considered a component.
Compromise (since few have unlimited money) on wire, amplification, room treatment and power conditioning. Splurge on speakers and source.
This is my master plan.
More than 50% and probably under 60 % of the increased S.Q. will come from a rightfull mechanical, electrical, and acoustical embeddings...

Then choosing well electronic components without figuring how to embed them will be costly in dollars and in S.Q. in term of audio experience...
Post removed 
 I believe the allotment of funds across components differs with budget. For instance, if budget is $1000 than it might prove best to invest more on both the integrated amplifier and the source component than the speakers. However, as the budget increases a greater allotment might be justified towards the speaker. In my case, with a system that had a retail price of ~$14,000, the speakers retailed at $3000, the amplification at $6500, the source (digital) at $2600, and cables at ~$2000. With the exception of my DAC all components were purchased at less than retain price such that the allotment for active components is more evenly distributed, cables were purchase at greatest discounts from retail. I believe that I would have to spend 2x the retail cost of my speakers to get a significant upgrade. I believe my amplification and source components justify that.