Is there a magic formula for spending on components in a system

Hello to all...

I'm looking for opinions on the magic formula for purchasing components base on catergories:

Source or sources



Sound Transmission

Interconnection and Cabling

Setup and storage

Thoughts? Opinions? Your system "equation" ?

PS: which of the above is the most important block in the wall? 
OK, a possible formula given a digital system:

Source - 20 to 25%
Amplification - 25 to 35%
Speakers - 25 to 45%
Cables - 10 - 15%

Summation of the mid value of each components class = 100%
For my system.
1. Speakers $10,000
2. amplification including DAC $4000
3 .Source digital <$1000
4. cables<$200
5. Room $300

Some things bought used. 
Ha, +1 Al, a great response which fell within the 3 minutes of my two responses. 

50% at most must be attributed to the parts of the audio systems, more than 50 % to the complex embeddings...

Which is the use of marvellous pricey speakers in a bad acoustical room?