$1000 bookshelf speakers with "recessed", "laid back" or "flat" mid-range?

Dear all,
As stated above, I am looking for a bookshelf speaker with a mid-range that is laid back, recessed or flat. I currently own a pair of Elac Uni-Fi UB5, and I find their presentation quite forward in the mid-range, which I don't appreciate, especially at moderate to high volumes. I also own a pair or Pioneer SP-BS22, which I find more pleasing sounding (particularly the more recessed mid-range) than the Elac.
Since I can't audition speakers where I live, I am asking for your recommendations on bookshelf speakers that have a more "recessed" or "flatter" presentation in the mid-range. I have a budget of $1000. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I will take a look at those Rega speakers. Good reviews overall. Thanks for the suggestions guys!
If you think ELACs are bright don't try to fix them.  Vandersteen VLR does this for $1500 a pair but worth a listen even if it is a stretch. 

I don't think they are bright, in fact, the top is not "lively" at all. I think the UB5's have a very forward midrange (e.g., voices, guitars, etc, sound way in front of other instruments and at a relatively higher volume than the rest of the music), which becomes very prevalent at moderate to high volumes. Thanks for the suggestion on the Vandersteen speakers!