You do have to give credit to a person who wrote this...
"...outlets are treated with 1,000,000 volts of electricity at specific frequencies and pulse modulations, creating a canal in the conductor material and contact points at the molecular level that allows electrons to flow more freely giving a beautiful start to your music"
...and this...
"...passing 1'000'000 volts of electricity, pulse modulated at extreme high frequencies through each of the outlets. This creates a path on the conductor’s surface that allows electrons to flow more freely, opening up the music and giving uncompressed, realistic live sound."
It is just unclear if electrons flow more freely in a canal in the conductor material or on a path on the conductor’s surface.
"...outlets are treated with 1,000,000 volts of electricity at specific frequencies and pulse modulations, creating a canal in the conductor material and contact points at the molecular level that allows electrons to flow more freely giving a beautiful start to your music"
...and this...
"...passing 1'000'000 volts of electricity, pulse modulated at extreme high frequencies through each of the outlets. This creates a path on the conductor’s surface that allows electrons to flow more freely, opening up the music and giving uncompressed, realistic live sound."
It is just unclear if electrons flow more freely in a canal in the conductor material or on a path on the conductor’s surface.