Luxman m-900u owners - quick question

Looking for some feedback on owners of this amplifier. I am not looking for the '' dealer lingo '' that I have been getting ; '' sweet amp, the best that is out there, will give you a great deal , I sold a bunch of them in the last month ''....blah, blah, blah.....

So what made you buy this amp is what I would like to know from owners who have them. What made you take this one instead of others in this price range  ….and do you have to match it with the Luxman C-900 u pre-amp for the best results ?      

Thank you

I’ve owned the M900U for six months now. I’ve purchased over 30 amps in my lifetime and it’s clearly the best I’ve ever owned. I leave the unit on all the time and mine never gets hot, just warm. Adequate ventilation is a must. 
I'm still working through various amps - currently have a pair of Ampzillas and a Rowland 625s2.

Probably will also try a Pass X350.8 to complete the "musical SS" trio.

The M900U is a very good amp. I owned it for 2 years with mixed feelings.
First, I didn’t care for it that much with the C900U. I felt it gave me too much of what the M900U already had to offer. To me the M900U wasn’t the most neutral amp I’ve ever heard. It had a character that was some what polished and not very analog sounding. There were times I felt like it was the best amp I ever owned (see my previous comments) and other times wished I never bought it. I’m sure in the right system it can be as good as people have described, but for myself it was at best, a very good amp.