Best Rock Song Ever!


Vote for one, or enter your suggestion:

Rolling Stones: Jumpin’ Jack Flash

Sympathy for the Devil

Led Zeppelin: Black Dog

Rock & Roll

The Eagles: Hotel California
More Than a Feeling would count, if you knew it was best, and not lumped in with five others nowhere near as good. Come on guys, I put up Jump Into The Fire! At least give me a run for my money. 

Which, admittedly, is none. But still....
It's fun to see the various styles you guys are attracted to.  Some like it snappy & quick in the style of the Ramones.  Some like it at a medium tempo with some sincere guy wailing above it all, and with a big guitar solo during the break.  Some want it to be based on runt-a-tunt-a blues triplets.

As for me, I just can't make up my mind.  Is history's top rock song "Maid in Heaven" by Be Bop Deluxe?  "Heartbreak Hotel" by Elvis?   "God Save the Queen" by the Sex Pistols?  David Bowie's "Cracked Actor?"  "Sheena  is a Punk Rocker" or "I Wanted Everything" by the Ramones?  "Friction" by Television?  "Under my Thumb" or "Satisfaction" by the Stones?  "Tutti Fruiti" by Little Richard?
Maybe...... Traffic- Low spark of the high heeled boys....or Blind Faith- Do What U Like. Or Santana -Taboo (3rd album) Or a SRV song or Allman Bros- Whipping post ...Its too hard of a question!!!!
EVERY radio station in the USA does the SAME Top 500 Rock songs every July 4th.weekend & EVERY year for the past 30 years the #1 has been the EXACT SAME SONG,Stairway To Heaven...Even Rolling Stone mag.agrees...