Can a McIntosh MC7205 handle Polk Audio RTi A9’s?

I’m building my dream system with mostly used parts. I purchased the MC7205 to replace my McIntosh MC-58 amp for more power. I also ordered a pair of RTi A9. I’ve read in many reviews that said they need an amp with minimum 200w/ch. the Mac 7205 only puts out 120w/ch x 5.  If anyone is familiar with this amp or speakers, please I welcome any feedback. Thanks
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Yes just watch out for that combined channel power it can be a lot more then you think because of the way the speakers are hooked up the amp might see a lower ohm, most Mac amps are not going to be affected by this in the least bit but your speakers will and if they are rated around 100w or less you could overdrive them at higher volume levels.
The only speakers I want biamped are the 2 RTiA9s. They are rated at 500w each. 
500W peak.
be careful.

 know the sound of straining, popping voice coils, treble slurred with midrange.

   I learned the hard Way, all those years ago.
I received the Polk audio RTi A9s today played hotel California from Hell Freezes Over and Tea for the Tillerman on sacd and they sound fantastic!!  The McIntosh MC 7205 is powering them nicely, at least I should never blow these speakers out.  When the audio racks are delivered later today, I can connect the MC58 and connect the TSi 500s as surrounds and I have on order A PAIR OF PA RTI A3’s for the back.  
Sounds SWEET so far.