Let me apologize about my posts. I was thinking about the f110 and spoke, in error, with regard to the e110.
I have asked the moderators to delete the posts.
I have asked the moderators to delete the posts.
Subwoofer. Great one song. Not so great the next song.
George, if you are constrained with placement options and number of subs (two is better, a DSA is best), this little dsp device works wonders: http://www.dspeaker.com/en/products/anti-mode-8033.shtml You will notice a virtually complete elimination of the room modes (causing the boomy bass). Connection wise you run your speakers full range and insert this little unit between line out and sub. Good luck. |
Hmm yeah well looking at specs for your mains which go down to 32hz and the 10” sub which only goes to 25 hz, on paper, it does not seem like the sub adds much. Maybe in a larger room and/or if main amp is underpowered to drive the speakers to their full capacity. Also relatively few recordings will have enough going on at those frequencies to tell. Sounds like a tough task with very marginal benefit at best. Losing the sub may not be a bad idea. You probably do not really need one. |