8 track tape vs 1st press vinyl

Sam here and the fact that 8 track tape is a tape to tape transfer from the master reel to reel tape gives it the edge as far as overall tone and soundstage although vinyl has a wider stereo image it sounds more 2d than 8track 3d soundstage in my opinion. 
OP's point, impression, memory, is that, for him/her, 8 Track gave more of a 3D listening experience.  The mistake is to to explain why, especially to say crapp was better than milk and honey.

My only guess is greater separation.
Sam here and vinyl has a wider stereo seperation however 8 track had a more open sound stape and perhaps due to the negative side effects causing a slight phasyness made the music sound more alive
I bought a very expensive 8 track player in the early 80’s. It was attached to an Oldsmobile Tornado. I don’t miss either.
Sam here and yes 8 track tapes are unrealiable however the sound signature of the media is outstanding and is superior in sound quality to  even hi-res audio including sacd
Yes that is the problem, unrealiability. Alan Parsons greatest early recordings were all done direct to 8 track. I would play you one, but the player ate the tape.