Looking to upgrade a new cart to my TT

I currently have a Dynavector 20xl2L on my Luxman PD-171 TT. But I want to go up one more notch. My dealer sells EAT, Ortofon and Dynavector carts. The three on my list is the Ortofon Cadenza Blue, the Dynavector xx-2 and the EAT Jos No5. Ken Kessler gave a big thumbs up to the EAT. My phono is in my Luxman CL38U SE w/a pair of Aerial 5T's and a JL Audio D-110. Any opinions on these carts would be appreciated. 
If your cartridge and stylus and cartridge suspension are in good shape, I may be interested in purchasing it.  Send me a PM if interested. 
Went to my dealer and ended up w/a Dynavector 17DX. He had this cart on the stores Luxman PD-171 TT. So I listened to a few record tracks and was sold. Got a nice discount around 17%. I'm bringing in my TT next week when the cart comes in. 
Very nice, don't forget to post what you think about 17DX  
The best I tried in this series was 17D2 mkII, your DX must be better.  
I’ll have the TT back next Wednesday. Probably need some break-in around 50 hours. I will definitely report back.
I just want to add, after living with this cartridge a while now, last night I listened to Jose Feliciano, 10 to 23, side 2, last track is Hey Jude, 8 minutes with a long guitar solo.

I've yapped about channel separation, The tight channel balance produced a Rock solid center, awesome.