Explain what is a clean power amplifier?

Can someone explain what makes and define what a clean power amplifier is or does?  I have googled and searched the forum and haven't found a simple explanation to grasp. 

Clean power could mean class D as well. Used the least juice and best on the power grid. 
What is a clean "sounding" amplifier? My Macs, My Nords, and My Carys, My VTL use to be... SUPER clean, Krell, less clean Pass.

Dirty, there are to many good ones to pick a bad one, any more. Just a little looking will get you a good amp..

What is a clean "looking" amplifier, My Macs, My Nords, My Carys. All are covered, with a silk tablecloth, when not in use, once a month dusting. Chrome and shiny paint get waxed twice a year. Valves are pulled and glass polished, pins soft brushed, and cotton wad plunge, twice a year, also.

Clean is Clean
No amplifier is cleaner than the electrical grid where it is embed... Even the cleaner amp in the world will be polluted by the noise of the electrical grid of our house....

Then not only it is important to have a clean amplifier but way more important to clean the other part of the system and decrease the noise floor of the house....

Clean is then not enough "clean"..... :)

You're right! I completely unplugged my amp from my dirty house AC and it sounded wonderful! For about five seconds. Then it faded out. Plugged it back in. Crap dirty sound again. Unplugged, clean power! But only for seconds! How can I get clean power to last longer???