
I certainly have, personally, experienced the improvement power cords can make on amplifiers...how about their value on other items, such as preamps with external powersuppies, and phono preamps....I know better than to apply layperson logic, which doesn't always work in audio, but it would seem that items that draw less "juice" would be less prone to changes in power cords....thoughts welcomed, but experience more interesting to me.....thanks
This is and will continue to be a never ending debate. You ask some good questions , all of which have been discussed ad nauseum ....my perspective is that , in the end, this hobby is about giving us pleasure inits pursuit and experience. We all, I think, have learned that measurements, science and logic have yet to explain all we perceive. There is no right and wrong , to me.  I have heard differences, but will never audition multiple cables.  I often use my experience and research to make choices. In the end I am happy, and that works for me....enjoy
Many of my cable experiments were done a little over tens years ago. I was most surprised to hear how power cords made the most difference on my CD player, followed by preamp, then amp (tube and SS). At the time, I had access to cables of many different designs and these experiments were eye-opening.
I find cables to have a quantitive effect, if you like the tone of the cable, a longer length will give you more of that tone, especially the warmer sounding ones.
@scar972 , there is logic to that, though we know that doesn’t always apply in audio.... source is critical, as well as their power supplies. Amps usually have robust power supplies, though a terrible cord can surely limit them. Source tend to have smaller supplies, as well as the fact that they are the beginning....
One question that I posed actually has not been answered in this thread, which is how would a power cord make a difference? I mean theoretically speaking. Would it not have to change the characteristic of electricity between the outlet itself and the component, and if so what characteristic is it changing? 
Running a cable the entire distance between the source and the recipient, such as from the CD player to a preamp, or an amplifier and speakers is one thing. But claiming that a small bit of cable tacked on the end of miles of a different cable can change-profoundly- electricity is something else.  What exactly is being changed?
I suspect you've read about this before since you've hit pretty much every "deniers" reason why it will not make a difference in your very first audiogon post. Give a couple aftermarket power cords a try & let us know what you think.