mahgister, it helps to keep in mind a lot of the criticism is coming from people with a tenuous connection with reality... two guys make stuff up about it, attack me personally, and one even ignores actual ad hominems directed at me and accuses me of being the one resorting to ad hominems. Unreal.....
If that’s how ill-equipped they are to understand clear concise prose imagine how they must struggle with your ideas. .... But to get complex and hard to express ideas it helps to be capable of having ideas and thinking about things. This rules them out....
Most of what we’re doing is frankly beyond them. Might be literally truly beyond them, as in no matter what they never will get it. Or might be beyond them merely by virtue of being too physically or mentally lazy to get up off the comfortable couch and try. Either way they’re not getting it.
.....To do what we do takes imagination, creativity, intelligence, and perseverance. It takes initiative. Qualities they lack.....Talk is all they have. ..... But who knows, trashing others may be the one thing that gives their lives meaning.
Someone better be careful about that "false witness" thing. That’s a lot of trash talking!
Whatever happened to taking the high road?