Rebuild or new cartridge with my zeta tonearm

Hey all,

im refurbishing my Gyrodec with Zeta tonearm. I have a Sumiko Talisman Virtuoso B . It needs a new stylus and possible rebuild from Soundsmith. My question:

is it better to rebuild the Sumiko or get a new cart? What carts would you recommend within tonearm? 
Thanks in Advance
Sounds Good? Perhaps preferred by some, however, the specs of separation and balance of the Clearaudio Performer are not good, they must limit imaging compared to OP's Sumiko.
Sumiko, already rebuilt, new stylus, 30 day returns, very tight measurements

or, he can give you a price to retip yours

under his name, you can click on 'see other items', 
I'm going to agree with Chakster on this one. I would never buy one and I have never had a cartridge re tipped. There is always the desire to try something new.
Elliot if you read the specs on Ortofons they do not look particularly great but several of their cartridges are world class. I guarantee you that the transient response, tracking and dynamic impact are all superior to the Sumiko beside being within budget and meshing with his tonearm.