Transport to replace my cd player

Hi Gang,I could use some advice on CD transports. I just bought a new audio-gd 7HE 2020 DAC and think the CD player I have been using as a transport may be a bottleneck in my 2 channel system. The CD player is a Cambridge Azur 851 with upgraded blue fuses and a Synchro-mesh reclocker which has been OK but I think I may get good improvement with a dedicated transport. What do you think? The rest of my system consists of a VPI Classic 4 TT, McIntosh452 amp, a McIntosh C2600 preamp and the new DAC. Admittedly I have no experience with a dedicated Transport but based on reviews only these are the transports I'm considering: Cambridge CXC, Audiolab 6000CDT, Primare DD15 and DD35, Denafrips Avatar, McIntosh MCT 450 and MCT500 and finally the JAY's audio current transport. Have you experienced any of these? Which if any would you recommend?Thanks in advance,Joe
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@nonoise I couldn't find much in terms of reviews on the Pro-ject and it's more $ compared to Jay's, so I'm leaning towards Jay's. @b_limo My digital rig sounds way better with the new DAC and the Cambridge as a transport. I'm excited about what a good (better) transport might bring to the party.  Maybe I'll go to hell with myself and get a pair of REL's.
I'll give you a review on the Pro-Ject CDBox RS2 T.
I just unboxed it. Love at first play.
Can't compare since I sold my last CD player last week in a flash.
All I know for sure is that I got it for about the same $ as Jay's cheapest.
New Sota transport design instead of 20 year old tech.
AND it plays SACDs.
Great to hear. I didn't know it plays SACDs which is a big bonus.
Is the deal you got a one off or can anyone get it for a similar price?

I can't get one just yet but it's nice to know it's more affordable than when it first came out. 

All the best,
The price I saw on the project was 2999 the jays was just under 2400. I just ordered the Jay’s. With any luck we should both be very happy.
I received the SimAudio 260DT today; it is replacing the Cambridge CXC in my main system. The SimAudio's fit and finish are very nice (mine is all black), draw opens and closes smoothly, and it  "loads' the tracks on the disc quicker. My one quibble is that there is little room to get your finger to the on/off switch at the back of the unit if you use an after market power cord.  I have only been playing it for about 4 hours or so, but thus far the music seems to be presented with more weight and definition. The SimAudio seems to be a better fit with my Mojo Audio EVO DAC.