Amps for Sasha

Thinking of the Pass Lab X350.5 or X260.5 as they're about the same price. Heard the class A INT30 is also a good match. Any comments?
Many exhibitors used Sasha to demo their gears at CES this year but the one the left me amazed was the famous Krell's Dan Agostino. His new Dan Agostinos mono blocks and the Sasha were an amazing match. Previously, I listened to a pair of Sofia driven by VAC monos but this Sasha/Dan Agostino amps beat it by miles and some.

I see it more in the way that ,if a certain voltage level doesnt drop with a heavier load(lower speaker imp ) than it is automatically shown that that amp is capable of instant greater current delivery meaning better loudspeaker unit control (important for dynamic swings for example) .
What also plays a rol is i think the musical taste of somebody , big/loud dynamic music sucks up more current than a quiet jazz combo for example ( i think that i have not measured that)
Does it hurt to have a big powersupply /constant voltage/ power doubling amplifier to lets say 2 ohms, i think absolutely not.

Andromedaaudio, what you are describing here is the Voltage Paradigm. I think you do well to keep the impedances higher as the speaker becomes less critical of the speaker cable. And you are right, it makes it more 'tube friendly', but there is more to it than that. Tubes don't double their power as the load is cut in half, but that is not the same as saying they they can't make really good, natural bass (they can). That is why if you want the speaker to be 'tube friendly', its a good idea to have a tube amp handy.