Tin Foil Hat Audio

As I read the discussions about questionable tweaks I often have to remind myself that just because I can’t hear it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Just because there is no instrument capable of objectively quantifying a difference doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Just because there is no generally accepted physical mechanism to account for a difference doesn’t mean it isn’t there. 

I think I owe an apology to psychics, mediums, and witches among others. Maybe they also perceive things I just can’t. 

Is it shiny side in or out when making a tin foil hat? How many layers? 
I think we give too much credence to naysayers. It's been my experience they're not really that credible. 
Also don’t forget that just because something is there does not mean it is better, just different. 
nonoise6,116 posts08-08-2020 2:59pmI think we give too much credence to naysayers. It's been my experience they're not really that credible.

You hit the nail right on the head. Why do I find myself looking for what's wrong, other than what's right... It's the ol half empty, half full, thing. When maybe, it's just a glass, with water in it.

Chest out, chin up..... onward!!!!

I find that when I make a change in my system after about 2-3 weeks I am either turning on the stereo more or less (sure life happens and things get in the way-but in general).  Sound is personal, like visual attraction there is no right or wrong-it’s in the eye or ear of the beholder.  You want to measure and prove and debate and try to convince me? Sure I’ll  go down that path and drop a few bucks occasionally but what you find is that it’s personal.  I’ve bought some gear on the advice and loved it and some I’ve been embarrassed to re-sell.  If you don’t like it some will claim you need a different cable or more break in time or shake a magic chicken leg at it. NO I just don’t like it and think it sucks for me.  If 10 people think it’s the best and you don’t enjoy the music as much than it’s wrong for you in your system, etc.  That’s why there are so many categories of porn, so many handbags, boats, shirts, cars and strains of weed, etc.  Same with audio.  When someone says they’ve got it all figured out for everyone they’ve just entered the next phase of delusion.  For me it also has to remain fun to stay around as a hobby.  Don’t get discouraged.
No one is addressing the OP's  question.
It's shiny side out, four layers for heavy duty foil, seven layers for the regular strength.
I prefer the no stick foil because if any spells or bad juju manages to penetrate the layers, they have a tendency to simply slide off before they can penetrate your brain. It's also fun to shape it like a little ship...