Simaudio Moon 600i v2 VS Naim Supernait 3 for Dyanudio C20s

Hello Everyone,
I have narrowed it down to two int amps for my contour 20 speakers. My current room is 15 x 20ish and I am trying to decide between simaudio moon 600i v2 or the supernait 3. I have listened to them at different times in different stores but with the same speakers so I cant directly compare. I am looking for blacker backgrounds, better separation good bass control and of course good vocals etc.. I have bluesound node 2i connected to an external dac. I am strictly intersted in these 2 int amps. I know Simaudio is almost twice as expensive (if both units are bought brand new) but either could be had as used for a lot cheaper than their MSRP.
Any recommendations and experiences would be highly recommended. Again I am only intersted in simaudio 600i v2 or the supernait 3.

Thank you thank you!!!
Please share rules for an open public form. How can I make this thread ’unstrange’

For one, you shouldn’t need to ask anyone which amp you preferred the sound of! You did the demos; you should have a good idea of how these amps performed respectively with soundstaging and separation.

Second, it’s odd that you compare amps of such different price brackets, but also will not consider anything else in that range, e.g. if you like Naim, why not also demo Naim components of equal value to the Simaudio?

Third, if your real quesiton is the ability of the Supernait to drive the Contours, well again, you did the demo! Did they sound like they were clipping at high volume? Did it run out of headroom at high volume? Did you hear distortion in the speakers? Did the amp go into shutdown mode after some short period of time? Did the Simaudio have a better sense of control and ease of listening compared to the Naim? Do you even listen at very high volume? What distance are your speakers from your couch?

Crudely, if you sit up to 3 meters away (9-10db loss), you’d need 58w to hit 100db for these speakers (the same volume as a jack-hammer!). Supernait 3 shows 130w into 4ohms, so should have more than enough "power", assuming the amp is able to deliver the required current without distortion or thermal shutdown.
whats wrong with asking ppl on forums of what their thoughts are on A vs B? 
Not all watts are created equal. Its all about the current and the quality of power supply. 
For the 3rd time I listened to these two units weeks apart in different places with different music so I dont understand whats the big deal here? 
Anyways I've made my decision and I am extremely happy it. 
Thanks for all your inputs.