Simaudio Moon 600i v2 VS Naim Supernait 3 for Dyanudio C20s

Hello Everyone,
I have narrowed it down to two int amps for my contour 20 speakers. My current room is 15 x 20ish and I am trying to decide between simaudio moon 600i v2 or the supernait 3. I have listened to them at different times in different stores but with the same speakers so I cant directly compare. I am looking for blacker backgrounds, better separation good bass control and of course good vocals etc.. I have bluesound node 2i connected to an external dac. I am strictly intersted in these 2 int amps. I know Simaudio is almost twice as expensive (if both units are bought brand new) but either could be had as used for a lot cheaper than their MSRP.
Any recommendations and experiences would be highly recommended. Again I am only intersted in simaudio 600i v2 or the supernait 3.

Thank you thank you!!!
whats wrong with asking ppl on forums of what their thoughts are on A vs B? 
Not all watts are created equal. Its all about the current and the quality of power supply. 
For the 3rd time I listened to these two units weeks apart in different places with different music so I dont understand whats the big deal here? 
Anyways I've made my decision and I am extremely happy it. 
Thanks for all your inputs. 
the simaudio moon 600i v2. Wasn't a fair comparison as the 600i is twice as expensive!