Advice on....Snake Oil

So, I get it. You purchase something and other claim it's snake oil. Or they purchase snake oil and you lay claim to the adage. 

My one question,

What is the general consensus a reputable brand would spend considerable time, resources and finances to create a product that is or what some would call "snake oil". 

My belief is that a lot of brands (PS Audio, Isoacoustics, Audioquest) would probably better spend their time developing and creating an impact rather than making a questionable product. Any dialogue to be had or am I off base?
Why are the Snake Oil Screechers so loud?
Nobody knows for sure but I have a theory. To be an audiophile is to have mastered a large and highly complex skill set. It requires at a minimum a basic grounding in acoustics, psycho-acoustics, electricity and electronics. This is all on top of the absolutely essential skill set of being a good listener. Being able to recognize, evaluate, and talk about what you’re hearing and to be able to do that down to the subtlest, finest degree. Finally, the cherry on top of this great big cake is the only reason its really worth doing at all is a love of music.

Well now, that’s a pretty tall order. Nobody ever really gonna get there. Being otherwise normal people some are gonna love music a lot more than physics. Some are gonna love electronics and measuring more than listening. Some are gonna just latch onto it for who knows what reason. To get girls. To live the dream of the glossy ad. Who knows?

Doesn’t matter. What matters is we all know this is true. Know it in our bones.

Well now this being the case, imagine you really want to be an audiophile, but its too hard. You can’t hear. Its too much mental effort. It costs too much. You’re too lazy to try. Whatever. Could be a lot of reasons. Doesn’t matter. Point is, its frustrating. Then you look around, see a bunch of dudes effortlessly doing it. Well, its just too much. You just can’t take it any more. You have failed, and its just not fair. On top of everything else your vocabulary is as limited as your intellect. All you can do is scream at the world: "Snake oil."
Mr Jones, atmapheres post is 100 percent relevant. It’s obvious anything that doesn’t help your cause, isn’t relevant, as per you, lol. That dosnt mean much it seems. We all know you’re anti any improvements, cables, or others. If we extrapolate using you’re logic, then there are also no differences in audio equipment, their efforts to shield their products, to damp vibrations, Upgraded internal wiring,  are senseless. a capacitor of a a certain rating is the same as any other. But, we all know this isn’t true either. Funny how some of you get to decide when and what products they do and do not matter with.
Is there a difference between cutting LPs and consumer amplifiers as far as vibration and leveling? I think you're comparing apples to sardines.
There is of course a difference but your analogy does not hold up. Amplifiers respond differently to 'feet' and by this I mean vibration transfer or damping devices such as points or sorbathane feet. If the amplifier is solid state it likely will respond less; if tube the difference will likely be easily both measurable and audible due to the difference in microphonics produced. When you can both hear it and measure it, its real.

Miller, could be a self image issue. They don’t trust themselves. They don’t trust their own ears. Maybe they think if they try to speak “ audiophile” speak, that they will be transparent and ridiculed for their lack of knowledge. Not that anyone doing that serves much sympathy either, that only drives people away. I play an online game for nine years now, the team I started is and has always been the top team in the world. But when I started I was scared to even converse with anyone. I figured it would be teens speaking their own language, that they would see right through  this old fart, lol. Turns out it was more old farts than kids anyways, and that helped me get over my fears of being called out in these convos. Maybe djones is just insecure and shy, and needs some love and understanding to help him through this phase? Hehe
I think my analogy held up as good as comparing an LP cutting lathe to an amp. Difference between tube and SS I can see the relationship and relevance the other still seems like apples and sardines.