Distance from the front not the rear wall?

What´s the optimun distance from the front wall (lisener seat) to the speakers? A lot has been said about the distance from the speakers to the rear wall, but no much regarding the distance from the lisener seat to the speakers. I ask because my seat is located against the front wall and I wonder if the sound (direct from the speakers and the sound reflected from all surfaces) that hear is "blurred" due to this reflexions. Should I put my seat at the same distance I have placed the speakers from the rear wall? Thanks in advance for your comments.
Tiofelon, yes try and give the method I linked to a try . What led me to give it a go was the idea that it works well in rooms that do not have any or much room treatments. My system, like many others I expect. Is not in a dedicated listening room but in my living room and both my wife and I agree that the large diffusers and absorbers etc wouldn't be acceptable( plus the expense!)
But what is possible, with my speakers at least, was to install some Herbie teflon gliders and when needed( critical listening) to pull the speakers into the middle of room. At other times they stay closer to back wall.
Here's another link to a review of method.
The Audio Physics method (Immediasound) has worked extremely well for me when I used it in smallish rooms. Having the chair within a foot or so, or even against the untreated rear wall was not a problem. It also allowed me to pull the speakers further into the room. I find the method works best with long wall placement of the speakers, which is my preference anyway. However, I suppose that's another bone to pick as most people I know prefer short wall placement.
The simple explanation is that

1) Bass response is always the worst close to a wall - just try it by walking around the room - you always get a more uneven bass response when you sit near a wall.
2) The secondary reflections will collapse the soundstage to the speakers - just try it by moving your position out into the room and you will find the soundstage grows in height and width and frees itself from the speakers. However, with the back of your head against a wall the sound collapses to the speakers.

Depending on your setup this will be more or less apparent. You need to have the speakers free from nearby reflections to begin with to hear 2.