Why the truth is not in them ??

I wonder how many people have been told something by a buyer, that was no where near the truth....I hate to think how many times I  have been told that I will send a Pay-Pal tomorrow, or I'll send you a check tonight....and never do anything of the kind.....I've been waiting for two weeks for a check from a guy in Michigan  , I have sold a item 13 times on another web-site based on what a person has told me and never received the first penny..........Does anyone tell the truth anymore ??   I have one web-site that I do business on that has a 98% negative truth rate.....Isn't that a poor way to deal with people ??     What are your experience ?? 
Zeroing back to opening post, imagine you go to a market and one stall has a guy offering something you want for $100. You tell him how about $50? He says “sure, done deal”.
you walk to the next stall do the same thing and the vendor goes berserk claiming you’re an idiot who doesn’t know how to read (the posted price).
we are dealing in a marketplace where each seller has his own idea of how transactions go down and what his item is worth. Likewise each buyer.
the greed factor makes sellers want to dump less than perfect equipment and not reveal what’s wrong. Same greed on buying side says “who cares if this thing MSRP was 10k in 1995, it’s value now is only what ONE individual is willing to fork over.  
Then add in another factor- when I made up my mind I wanted a particular speaker, I scoured adds all over the country for months and finally landed on a pair at 70% of retail 6 hours drive away.  Week after I got them 4 more pair hit the market at half what I paid in better condition.
these are all just examples of the complicating factors involved. 
Simple conversation between buyer and seller sorts things out until one person wants to get the better of the other person.
early on in my business career I learned from a very successful man the golden rule (he who holds the gold makes the rules)of how to do business - if you are honest then make sure to keep the gold in your side and follow thru on what you committed.  If you leave the gold in the other persons hand, then only blame yourself if you get cheated.  This mostly applies to non face to face transactions where at a certain time  one party is going to hold both the money and the product.  As a buyer, YOU are responsible for inspection and evaluating the condition, nobody else.  Never mind what the seller says.  If you don’t make that effort, blame yourself.  Buying something long distance? Ask a local repair shop near the seller to inspect the product for you, pay for it and get peace of mind.

"Science just discovered in this century that all that exist is consciousness..."

Tell that to the guy who is having a heart attack. "Hey, buddy, it is all in your head."

Yes, you can debate and philosophise all you want but there's no getting away from the fact that there is not a lot more 'real' than pain.

When Bertrand Russell was once asked whether he had any great thoughts as he desperately swam to escape a sinking ship (flying boat) the 76 year old philosopher said he was thinking about getting to the shore. 
Enjoy you body and life then....

I will....

But consciousness is not something that you can soap in a bath....

Nor something coming from an electric current from a Mary Shelley novel...

i suggest a very old experience when laying in your bed: Interrogate yourself, what am i ?....

That worked for well Plato and Buddah...

« I am Groucho Marx because i think i am Groucho Marx» -Groucho Marx

Perhaps a more convincing master than Groucho woul be interesting to meditate:

Planck said in 1944, "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent spirit (orig. geist). This spirit is the matrix of all matter."

"That worked for well Plato and Buddah..."

For about 80 years. And each time they bumped their foot at the table they became aware of cruel reality.
One thing destructive of trust is needless careening into political posturing on an audio forum. We need politics free spaces where we can *share* interests.  Stick with audio, mc. Maybe share some new photos.