Ok now I am frustrated with streaming

Help me out here please. I was really enjoying getting into streaming. Just purchased a Node 2i 2 weeks ago and have been enjoying it. Testing Tidal and Qobuz, leaning toward Qobuz. I was testing both wifi and ethernet connection. I seemed to pick up some noise and distortion on what I thought was the ethernet so I have been listening on wifi. I really enjoy finding new music on the streaming service. Tonight I was enjoying Sierra Hull because I listen to a lot of Alison Krauss. I was listening to Sierra Hull's new 25 Trips album and got to track 7 Escape and I heard a bunch of static/distortion, almost like a blown tube, except I have solid state equipment. I switched to Tidal to see if it was a problem with the Qobuz stream and same thing. Hooked up my MacBook pro to rule out a problem with the Node 2i, same thing. Now I am listening to Clapton's Unplugged and I hear the same thing. Is it my internet? I have a brand new modem, a Motorola MB7621, and a brand new Asus AC3100 router. I did a speed test and we are getting 237 mbps. My daughter was watching Netflix on a TV upstairs at the time, when she was finished I did a reboot of the cable modem and reboot of the Node 2i and then it was fine after that. I listened for about an hour after that. Is it my internet speed? Do I need to call Comcast/xfinity and up my speed package? Is it something else? Its getting frustrating and its not supposed to be like that, I am at the point where I may just send the Node back on the return policy and stick with CD's. 
Can we assume your Node 2i is plugged directly into the router with a good cat7 cable? Or, if you are going through a switch,  is it a good quality gigabyte switch and cat7 cables all the way?
I would play analog sources for a while to see if the problem returns, to rule out the preamp & amp. Also, upon hearing the issue when streaming, switch to a in-progress analog source quickly to see if the issue carries on or stops.
I have seen a few gigabyte switches do unexplainable, weird stuff...could try swapping out the router or switch.
Do you have a way to stream that doesn't involve the Node 2i? If you can stream from a phone or laptop via Bluetooth, USB or even a 3.5mm stereo cable...try some extended listening to see if it eventually deteriorates too. Try it with your Qobuz, Tidal and even Youtube...to eliminate the 2i's streaming functionality or to pin the issue on it.
@mwinkc I am running the Node 2i plugged into a wall jack. The wall jack is Cat 5e which I installed myself 8 years ago when our home was being built and it runs maybe 40 ft up to the closet one floor above where my router and modem are located. I don’t use a switch, I am running a brand new Asus AC3100 router and it has a few ports, but I am only using 2, one for the Node and one for my work computer. My modem is also brand new, Motorola MB7621.
The other night when was happening I plugged my MacBook Pro and streamed from it and experienced the same issue, so we can rule out the Node. I did not have the CD player hooked up at the time otherwise I would have tested using a CD. After I sent a refresh signal to my modem it went away.
Or, you can buy a Google Chromecast for $35 and plug it into an HDMI port and "cast" through Wifi whatever you want. It will only be 16/44.1 though.
I've read hints that Google will be coming out with an updated Chromecast that will support 24/96 like their old Chromecast Audio did. But you'd have to use Qobuz as TIDL(which I use) will not cast beyond "HiFi" due to MQA licensing b.s...

But, I do have a home theater processor that has HDMI ports so maybe it's different.
I get distortion on specific streams also when streaming from TIDAL via ROON.
I have come to the conclusion it is embedded distortion as a result of DRC.
Most recordings have been compressed so much during mastering that distortion is inherent in just about every recording.
CD's are not the solution , they are part of the problem. So are digital downloads .
First pressings of vinyl seems the best consistent  SQ
As a post script check out Bruce Springsteen TRACKS.
Disc 4  Track- Over The Rise.
I detect zero distortion.