Increased interest in my Audio system during the fall

Is it me or does any one else's interest seem to heighten during the fall season
The Fall is when they revealed the new equipment models. Also, cooler weather means dwelling indoors more and going to audio shops.
This doesn't apply as much these days but probably ingrained in your internal rhythms. 
The only time I am not interested in music is when I'm depressed which in me is not seasonal. I have to send myself somewhere else usually by book. The last episode I must have read 200 books and I did not touch the Hi Fi for about a year. The system runs every day when I get home from work till bedtime. Serious listening is from 7 to 9 PM weekdays and variable on the weekends. I have systems in the garage and workshop but that is not serious listening. In order to avoid depression I have to keep busy. Between Hi Fi, two 911's and the workshop I manage pretty well. My wife can tell when I'm getting into trouble. I start reading.