Speakers free of grain, glare and steel?

$2,000 or less used/new speakers free of grain, glare and steel, but with detail, extension, imaging, and tonal accuracy and balance? Acoustic Zen Adagio, Merlin TSM MME. Gallo 3.1, Frafrotski SE? Most speakers are competent, some are outstanding, a few deliver magic. Which speakers are the most musical and easy to listen to, rising to the top of a crowded field given their price point, and the most "forgiving" of their associated components? Which have magic?
If you want some good information on Harbeth and Spendor try here:http://www.regonaudio.com/. Also, here is a Spendor 1/2 review I found to be quite a good read: http://www.electrafidelity.com/spendor-12-by-herb-reichert/.

I can't speak to Hareth as much, or the post classic series Spendors, but what I can tell you is the three pair of classic series I have owned all had outstanding mid-range and smooth top end. Are they the last word in bass, no, but you'd be surprised how good the bass is if you could focus your attention away from the mid-range long enough to listen to it more closely.

Some say Spendor speakers, especially the older ones, are polite. I say they look polite but are quite naughty actually;) Looks are deceiving and so is the Spendor sound. In my experience they are more neutral than Harbeth or most of the British boxes out there. Used prices make them are bargain.
You need not consider older OHMs from the 80s. Series 2, 3 or current X000 series are the ones to consider. They also will cost more. These are much more refined balanced and detailed in line with other better modern designs but no OHM Walshes including the originals possess the negative characteristics you seek to avoid.
They need tubes to really shine. I have found the TSM to be wonder. Very easy to place ,as it is a sealed design. Easy to power. I've had mine with a lot of amps and even the mighty NAD 320bee sounded wonderful. Many terrific choices listed above. You could go jolida 202a or cayin a-50t and TSM. With a nice source you'll be there. I use a w4s dac-2 and i added a jla f110. One of the biggest keys to a sealed design, that is often overlooked, is that they are easy to place and play well in poor rooms. Since most of our rooms are poor they really shine. Of couse you could always add room treatment, but often wives a GFs don't allow it and it is somewhat tough to get good guidance on doing it correctly.

As always listening yourself in your room is the only real way to tell. If your near NYC you can listen to my setup.
