Speakers free of grain, glare and steel?

$2,000 or less used/new speakers free of grain, glare and steel, but with detail, extension, imaging, and tonal accuracy and balance? Acoustic Zen Adagio, Merlin TSM MME. Gallo 3.1, Frafrotski SE? Most speakers are competent, some are outstanding, a few deliver magic. Which speakers are the most musical and easy to listen to, rising to the top of a crowded field given their price point, and the most "forgiving" of their associated components? Which have magic?
I purposely kept my question general in order to let let real world considerations bump up against the hypothetical. Of course "all other things being equal" doesn't exist -- except in any one particular system -- but interesting and useful information has resutled. Thanks for all your responses. Carry on.
"My amps are ss monoblocks, 170 watts/8 ohms"

What make/model specifically?

I've heard the Merlin and the Fritz speakers. I think you'd be happy with either, but with your amp I would lean toward the Fritz Carbon 7.