Dear @audioquest4life : The resonance frequency using the V with the LPS is lower than 8hz and using the Jade is over 12hz.
mijostyn touched a critical issue that we have to take care carefully if we want true quality performance high levels.
The Jade and LPS can’t show to you their true quality performance, yes it can sounds but that’s all .
You prefer the Soundsmith over the LPS and is because you are given the SS what it needs and you did not give what the LPS is asked for.
Your cartridges compariason is not totally fair between the SS and LPS and certainly not even to the VDH. In the other side I hope that you make your comparisons at the same SPLs because our ears are extremely sensible even to 0.1db differences.
@lewm normally that VDH model comes with internal 13 ohms, so loading at 20 ohms is out of question but he is just testing it . Btw, even that is hiper-analytical and that's why I posted exist an overall set up problem.
aq4l, if you are using the I/O then exist a critical problem to fulfill any LOMC cartridge and does not matters those 80db on gain because this kind of gain figure is achieved through at least 5 different circuit stages where the cartridge signal must pass through and where at each one is degraded our beloved audio signal and that overall degradation means: higher noise levels added at each circuit stage, added, distortions, added..., added...,. and the I/O inverse eq. is an additional problem.
All those if you are using the I/O but if not then never mind.
Only trying to help in objective way, not a subjective as you said.
mijostyn touched a critical issue that we have to take care carefully if we want true quality performance high levels.
The Jade and LPS can’t show to you their true quality performance, yes it can sounds but that’s all .
You prefer the Soundsmith over the LPS and is because you are given the SS what it needs and you did not give what the LPS is asked for.
Your cartridges compariason is not totally fair between the SS and LPS and certainly not even to the VDH. In the other side I hope that you make your comparisons at the same SPLs because our ears are extremely sensible even to 0.1db differences.
@lewm normally that VDH model comes with internal 13 ohms, so loading at 20 ohms is out of question but he is just testing it . Btw, even that is hiper-analytical and that's why I posted exist an overall set up problem.
aq4l, if you are using the I/O then exist a critical problem to fulfill any LOMC cartridge and does not matters those 80db on gain because this kind of gain figure is achieved through at least 5 different circuit stages where the cartridge signal must pass through and where at each one is degraded our beloved audio signal and that overall degradation means: higher noise levels added at each circuit stage, added, distortions, added..., added...,. and the I/O inverse eq. is an additional problem.
All those if you are using the I/O but if not then never mind.
Only trying to help in objective way, not a subjective as you said.